Online learning platforms

Nowadays, students learn more on the internet than they do in schools. Not just students, but anyone who is keen enough to learn can find pretty much everything on the internet. To satiate the desire of learner from all age groups, there are specialized online learning platforms that offer a superfluity of topics. In the Covid-19 pandemic, these platforms have helped millions of students learn new skills like digital marketing, graphic designing, and other skills too.
In this article, you will get to know some of the most popular online learning platforms that have revolutionized the definition of virtual learning.

The impact of online learning platforms in the pandemic
From students to adults who lost their jobs to the pandemic, online classes offered everyone the opportunity to continue their learning for free or at a minimal cost. At present, every student is used to spending their time on the internet to learn and nurture their skills. Online learning platforms have a great future ahead of them as they allow learners to complete the course as per their convenience.
Best online learning platforms
Out of the hundreds of apps and websites, only a few learning platforms stand out. The platforms mentioned here help learners acquire new skills by spending very little or no money at all. The course material is exceptional and helps students learn the right thing. Some of them even offer course certification that you can add to your resume. These platforms are-
YouTube is full of any kind of course material you want. From science to arts, you can find anything you want to. YouTube is the cheapest way to learn and know about things you don’t. A few channels also have compiled free courses on various topics.
On YouTube, although the content is free, you can’t get a certificate and there is a lot of redundant stuff too. It may take you some time to filter the relevant material from the unnecessary one.
Udemy is one of the most popular online learning platforms. Here, you can find a structured list of all the courses based on different categories. Most of the courses are paid but you can also find some free courses. The best thing about Udemy is that you can get heavy discounts on the paid courses during the sale. Only the paid courses offer certificates after completion.
At Skillshare, you can find different types of free and paid courses. Industry experts make these courses, and you have to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription. From a single membership, you can get access to all premium courses on Skillshare which is a plus point. However, if you looking for certified courses, Skillshare is not for you.
Coursera has thousands of courses from different universities around the world. This makes the course content more reliable. Here, you can find courses offered by Google, IBM, and universities like Stanford, MIT, Yale, etc.
Coursera mostly has paid courses. You won’t get a certificate for the free ones. There is a financial aid option for those who want to learn for free or at a low price.
LinkedIn Learning
Previously known as Lynda, LinkedIn Learning is a platform where you can learn about the latest skills related to business, software, and creative skills.
You can find courses related to three categories- business, technology, and creative. The first month is free of cost, and after that, you have to pay for a membership to continue learning.
edX is a collaboration between Harvard University and MIT. Here, you can find various courses related to science and technology and other categories as well. The best thing about this platform is its credibility. You can get the course material for free. The only price you have to pay is for the certificate.
Over 20 million people, around the world, tried to learn a new language this year. The credit goes to the amazing Duolingo. It is a great platform for language-lovers. From Spanish to German, you can learn every major language you want. The best thing- it is free for everyone.
Online learning platforms offer a great way to learn from a distance. Gone are the days when everyone solely relied on educational institutions for a mere degree. Now, anyone can decide what they want to learn, and the credit for this solely goes to all the learning platforms mentioned here.